Refreshing Watermelon Peach Smoothie Recipe

Refreshing Watermelon Peach Smoothie Recipe

As the temperatures rise and the sun beats down, there’s nothing quite like a cool and refreshing beverage to beat the summer heat.

One delightful option to quench your thirst and satisfy your taste buds is the Watermelon Peach Smoothie.

This vibrant and nutritious drink combines the natural sweetness of watermelon with the luscious flavor of ripe peaches, creating a symphony of summer flavors in every sip.

Not only is this smoothie delicious, but it also packs a nutritional punch, making it a perfect choice for a quick and healthy snack or breakfast.

How To Make Watermelon Peach Smoothie?


  • 2 cups of fresh watermelon, cubed
  • 1 cup of ripe peaches, peeled and sliced
  • 1/2 cup of Greek yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (adjust according to taste)
  • 1 cup of ice cubes
  • Mint leaves for garnish (optional)


  1. Prepare the Ingredients: Start by washing and chopping the watermelon into small cubes. If you haven’t already, peel and slice the ripe peaches.
  2. Combine in Blender: Place the watermelon cubes, sliced peaches, Greek yogurt, honey, and ice cubes in a blender. The Greek yogurt adds a creamy texture to the smoothie, while the honey enhances the natural sweetness of the fruits.
  3. Blend Until Smooth: Secure the lid on the blender and blend the ingredients until smooth and well combined. The ice cubes help to create a chilled and slushy consistency, making the smoothie even more refreshing.
  4. Taste and Adjust: Give the smoothie a taste and adjust the sweetness if necessary. Add more honey if you prefer a sweeter flavor, or leave it as is for a more natural taste.
  5. Serve in Glasses: Pour the smoothie into glasses, and if you’re feeling fancy, garnish with fresh mint leaves for a burst of aroma and an extra touch of summer freshness.
  6. Enjoy Immediately: This Watermelon Peach Smoothie is best enjoyed immediately while it’s at its coldest and most refreshing. The combination of juicy watermelon and sweet peaches is sure to transport you to a tropical paradise with every sip.

Benefits of the Watermelon Peach Smoothie:

  1. Hydration: Watermelon is made up of over 90% water, making it an excellent hydrating fruit. Combined with the juicy peaches and the ice cubes, this smoothie is a perfect choice to stay hydrated on hot summer days.
  2. Rich in Vitamins: Both watermelon and peaches are rich sources of vitamins, including vitamin C, which is known for its immune-boosting properties. This smoothie provides a delicious way to increase your vitamin intake.
  3. Antioxidant Boost: The vibrant colors of watermelon and peaches indicate the presence of antioxidants, which help protect your cells from damage caused by free radicals. Including antioxidant-rich foods in your diet contributes to overall health and well-being.

Also Check Out: Enlightenment Juice Recipe

Nutritional Facts for Watermelon Peach Smoothie (per serving):


  • 2 cups fresh watermelon, cubed
  • 1 cup ripe peaches, peeled and sliced
  • 1/2 cup Greek yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1 cup ice cubes

Nutritional Information:

  1. Calories:
    • Watermelon: Approximately 30 calories
    • Peaches: Approximately 60 calories
    • Greek Yogurt: Approximately 60 calories
    • Honey: Approximately 64 calories
    • Ice Cubes: Negligible
    Total Calories per Serving: Approximately 214 calories
  2. Protein:
    • Watermelon: Approximately 1 gram
    • Peaches: Approximately 1 gram
    • Greek Yogurt: Approximately 12 grams
    • Honey: Negligible
    • Ice Cubes: Negligible
    Total Protein per Serving: Approximately 14 grams
  3. Carbohydrates:
    • Watermelon: Approximately 8 grams
    • Peaches: Approximately 15 grams
    • Greek Yogurt: Approximately 6 grams
    • Honey: Approximately 17 grams
    • Ice Cubes: Negligible
    Total Carbohydrates per Serving: Approximately 46 grams
  4. Dietary Fiber:
    • Watermelon: Approximately 1 gram
    • Peaches: Approximately 2 grams
    • Greek Yogurt: Negligible
    • Honey: Negligible
    • Ice Cubes: Negligible
    Total Dietary Fiber per Serving: Approximately 3 grams
  5. Sugars:
    • Watermelon: Approximately 6 grams
    • Peaches: Approximately 13 grams
    • Greek Yogurt: Approximately 4 grams
    • Honey: Approximately 17 grams
    • Ice Cubes: Negligible
    Total Sugars per Serving: Approximately 40 grams
  6. Fat:
    • Watermelon: Negligible
    • Peaches: Negligible
    • Greek Yogurt: Approximately 7 grams
    • Honey: Negligible
    • Ice Cubes: Negligible
    Total Fat per Serving: Approximately 7 grams
  7. Cholesterol:
    • Watermelon: Negligible
    • Peaches: Negligible
    • Greek Yogurt: Approximately 5 milligrams
    • Honey: Negligible
    • Ice Cubes: Negligible
    Total Cholesterol per Serving: Approximately 5 milligrams
  8. Sodium:
    • Watermelon: Negligible
    • Peaches: Negligible
    • Greek Yogurt: Approximately 25 milligrams
    • Honey: Negligible
    • Ice Cubes: Negligible
    Total Sodium per Serving: Approximately 25 milligrams

These nutritional values are approximate and can vary based on the specific brands and quantities of ingredients used. Additionally, the smoothie provides essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, potassium, and calcium, contributing to overall nutritional intake.


The Watermelon Peach Smoothie is a delightful and nutritious way to beat the summer heat while indulging in the delicious flavors of the season.

Whether you enjoy it as a quick breakfast, a post-workout refresher, or a sweet treat on a hot afternoon, this smoothie is a versatile and satisfying option. With its hydrating properties, vitamins, and antioxidants, it not only tantalizes your taste buds but also supports your overall well-being.

So, grab your blender and whip up this fantastic smoothie to savor the essence of summer in every sip.

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