Best Tikka Boti Roll Recipe

Best Tikka Boti Roll Recipe

A Tikka Boti Roll is a delicious and popular street food item that hails from the Indian subcontinent, particularly Pakistan and India.

It’s a flavorful and satisfying dish that combines marinated and grilled pieces of meat with various accompaniments, all rolled up in a soft flatbread or paratha.

The name “Tikka Boti” refers to the marinated and grilled pieces of meat, typically chicken or beef, used as the main filling for this roll.

How to Make Tikka Boti Roll In Easy Steps

Here’s a breakdown of the components that make up a Tikka Boti Roll:

Marinated Meat:

The heart of a Tikka Boti Roll is the succulent, marinated meat. To prepare this, boneless pieces of chicken or beef are marinated in a mixture of yogurt, spices, and herbs. Common spices used include cumin, coriander, garam masala, chili powder, turmeric, and garlic.

The yogurt helps tenderize the meat while infusing it with rich, aromatic flavors. After marinating for several hours or overnight, the meat is skewered and grilled or cooked on a tandoor (clay oven) until it’s tender and slightly charred.

Flatbread or Paratha:

The grilled meat is typically rolled up in a soft flatbread or paratha. Parathas are flaky, buttery, and make for an excellent choice to encase the juicy tikkas. These flatbreads are usually cooked on a griddle with a bit of oil or ghee, giving them a delightful crispy texture.

Sauces and Chutneys:

Tikka Boti Rolls are often served with a variety of sauces and chutneys to enhance the flavors. Common condiments include mint chutney, tamarind chutney, and yogurt-based sauces. These add a cool and tangy contrast to the spiciness of the grilled meat.

Fresh Vegetables:

To provide a refreshing crunch and balance the flavors, Tikka Boti Rolls are filled with sliced vegetables such as onions, tomatoes, and cucumbers. These fresh ingredients not only add texture but also contribute to the overall taste and nutritional value of the roll.

Spices and Seasonings:

Extra spices and seasonings like chaat masala or black salt might be sprinkled over the meat or vegetables before rolling up the Tikka Boti Roll. These additional layers of flavor create a truly memorable eating experience.


One of the great things about Tikka Boti Rolls is their versatility. Depending on personal preferences, you can customize the roll by adjusting the level of spice, adding more or fewer vegetables, or even using different meats like lamb or fish.

Also Check Out: Chicken Pulao Recipe

Nutrition Facts of Tikka Boti Roll

Here’s a general approximation of the nutrition facts for a typical Tikka Boti Roll. Keep in mind that these values can vary depending on the size of the roll, specific ingredients used, and preparation methods. Additionally, the values are based on a single serving of a Tikka Boti Roll.

NutrientAmount per Serving
CaloriesApproximately 350-450
Total Fat15-20 grams
– Saturated Fat3-5 grams
Cholesterol40-60 milligrams
Sodium600-800 milligrams
Total Carbohydrates30-40 grams
– Dietary Fiber2-4 grams
– Sugars2-4 grams
Protein20-25 grams
Vitamin A5-10% of Daily Value
Vitamin C10-20% of Daily Value
Calcium10-15% of Daily Value
Iron15-20% of Daily Value

Please note that these values are approximate and can vary based on factors such as the size of the roll, the type and quantity of meat used, the thickness of the flatbread, and the specific ingredients in the sauces and condiments. If you have specific dietary concerns or requirements, it’s advisable to consult with the restaurant or chef for more precise nutritional information.


Tikka Boti Rolls are not only a beloved street food but are also commonly served at restaurants and fast-food joints throughout South Asia. They are known for their irresistible combination of flavors, offering a balance of spiciness, tanginess, and savory goodness. Whether enjoyed as a quick snack on the go or as a hearty meal, Tikka Boti Rolls are sure to satisfy your taste buds and leave you craving for more.

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