Ghost Chips Ahoy Protein Shake Recipe

Ghost Chips Ahoy Protein Shake Recipe

Indulge your taste buds in a spooky yet satisfying treat with our Ghost Chips Ahoy Protein Shake Recipe. Perfect for those who love a hint of nostalgia combined with the benefits of a protein-packed beverage, this hauntingly delicious shake will have you saying, “Boo-tiful!”

How To Make Ghost Chips Ahoy Protein Shake?


  • 1 cup almond milk (or your preferred milk)
  • 1 scoop chocolate protein powder
  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1 tablespoon almond butter
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/4 cup old-fashioned rolled oats
  • A handful of Ghost Chips Ahoy cookies (plus extra for garnish)
  • Ice cubes (optional)


  1. Gather Your Ghosts: Start by rounding up a handful of Ghost Chips Ahoy cookies. These chocolatey, ghost-shaped delights will be the stars of your protein shake, adding a fun and spooky twist to your classic recipe.
  2. Prepare Your Ingredients: Gather all the ingredients listed above. This recipe combines the goodness of almond milk, chocolate protein powder, frozen banana, almond butter, vanilla extract, rolled oats, and, of course, the Ghost Chips Ahoy cookies.
  3. Blend Away: In a blender, combine the almond milk, chocolate protein powder, frozen banana, almond butter, vanilla extract, and rolled oats. Blend until smooth and creamy. If you prefer a colder shake, add a handful of ice cubes and blend again until well incorporated.
  4. Ghostly Additions: Break up the Ghost Chips Ahoy cookies into smaller pieces and add them to the blender. Pulse a few times to incorporate the ghostly chunks into the shake, leaving some larger pieces for added texture.
  5. Serve and Garnish: Pour the Ghost Chips Ahoy Protein Shake into a glass. Garnish with additional Ghost Chips Ahoy cookie pieces for an extra spooky touch. You can also crumble some cookies on top or place a whole cookie on the rim of the glass for a hauntingly sweet presentation.
  6. Enjoy the Boo-tiful Creation: Take a sip and relish in the delightful combination of chocolate, almond, and the familiar taste of Ghost Chips Ahoy cookies. Whether you’re looking for a post-workout refuel or a fun treat to satisfy your sweet tooth, this protein shake is sure to leave you howling for more.

Tools Required:

  1. Blender
  2. Measuring Cups
  3. Scoop
  4. Knife
  5. Cutting Board
  6. Glass or Cup
  7. Garnish Accessories (small plate, cocktail shaker, etc.)
  8. Optional: Ice Cube Trays

Nutrients of Ghost Chips Ahoy Protein Shake

  • Calories: Approximately 300-400 calories (may vary based on ingredient quantities).
  • Protein: Around 20-30 grams, depending on the protein powder used.
  • Fat: Approximately 10-15 grams, with variations based on almond butter and other sources of fat.
  • Carbohydrates: Roughly 40-50 grams, mainly from the banana, almond milk, and Ghost Chips Ahoy cookies.
  • Fiber: About 6-8 grams, primarily from the rolled oats and banana.
  • Sugar: The majority of sugar will come from natural sources like the banana and possibly added sugars in the Ghost Chips Ahoy cookies. This can range from 15-25 grams.

Vitamins and Minerals:

  • Calcium: Provided by the almond milk, contributing to your daily calcium intake.
  • Potassium: Found in the banana, aiding in muscle function and hydration.
  • Iron and Magnesium: Present in varying amounts, depending on the ingredients used.

Benefits of Ghost Chips Ahoy Protein Shake

The Ghost Chips Ahoy Protein Shake, while delicious, can offer various nutritional benefits, making it a well-rounded and satisfying beverage. Here are some potential benefits:

  1. Protein Boost: The protein powder in the shake provides a significant protein boost. Protein is crucial for muscle repair and growth, making this shake an excellent option for those engaging in physical activities, workouts, or those looking to increase their protein intake.
  2. Nutrient Variety: The shake contains a mix of ingredients such as almond milk, banana, almond butter, and oats, providing a variety of nutrients. This diverse nutrient profile ensures that you’re not only getting protein but also essential vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates.
  3. Energy Source: The combination of protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates from ingredients like almond butter, banana, and oats can provide sustained energy. This can be particularly beneficial as a pre-workout or post-workout snack.
  4. Fiber Content: Ingredients like rolled oats and banana contribute dietary fiber. Fiber aids in digestion, promotes a feeling of fullness, and helps maintain stable blood sugar levels.
  5. Healthy Fats: Almond butter is a source of healthy fats, including monounsaturated fats. These fats are heart-healthy and can contribute to overall well-being.
  6. Sweet and Nostalgic Flavor: The Ghost Chips Ahoy cookies not only add a delightful sweetness but also bring a nostalgic flavor to the shake. This can make the shake a more enjoyable and satisfying treat, potentially reducing cravings for less nutritious sweets.
  7. Customizable: The recipe is adaptable to personal preferences and dietary needs. You can adjust ingredient quantities, choose specific protein powders, or use alternative ingredients to suit your taste and nutritional goals.
  8. Convenience: Protein shakes are convenient, especially for individuals with busy lifestyles. They can be prepared quickly and consumed on the go, making it easier to meet your nutritional needs, especially when time is limited.

Some Serving Ideas for Ghost Chips Ahoy Protein Shake:

  1. Whipped Cream and Chocolate Drizzle: Top your Ghost Chips Ahoy Protein Shake with a dollop of whipped cream and a drizzle of chocolate sauce for an indulgent and visually appealing finish.
  2. Crushed Cookie Rim: Dip the rim of your serving glass in crushed Ghost Chips Ahoy cookies before pouring in the shake. This not only adds extra cookie flavor but also enhances the presentation.
  3. Banana Ghost Garnish: Slice a banana and use small chocolate chips or dark chocolate to create ghost faces. Float these banana ghosts on top of your protein shake for a playful and spooky touch.
  4. Protein Smoothie Bowl: Pour the Ghost Chips Ahoy Protein Shake into a bowl and top it with additional sliced bananas, a sprinkle of granola, and a few whole Ghost Chips Ahoy cookies. Enjoy it with a spoon for a protein-packed smoothie bowl.
  5. Nutty Crunch Topping: Add a crunchy element by sprinkling chopped nuts like almonds, walnuts, or pecans on top of your protein shake. This not only adds texture but also brings in additional nutritional benefits.
  6. Minty Fresh Twist: Drop a few fresh mint leaves into the blender when making your shake for a refreshing and minty flavor. Garnish with a mint sprig for an extra burst of freshness.
  7. Coffee Infusion: If you’re a coffee lover, consider blending in a shot of espresso or a spoonful of instant coffee for a Ghost Chips Ahoy Mocha Protein Shake. This adds a delightful coffee flavor to the mix.
  8. Yogurt Parfait Layering: Layer your Ghost Chips Ahoy Protein Shake with vanilla yogurt and granola in a glass or jar for a protein-packed parfait. Repeat the layers and top with a sprinkle of crushed Ghost Chips Ahoy cookies.
  9. Frozen Popsicles: Pour the protein shake into popsicle molds and freeze for a few hours to create Ghost Chips Ahoy Protein Shake popsicles. A delightful and refreshing treat, especially in warmer weather.
  10. Cinnamon Sprinkle: Dust the top of your shake with a pinch of cinnamon for a warm and aromatic touch. This simple addition complements the flavors in the shake.

Some Short Tips for Making a Ghost Chips Ahoy Protein Shake

  1. Chill Ingredients: For a colder and more refreshing shake, use frozen banana slices and consider chilling your almond milk in advance. You can also add ice cubes if desired.
  2. Proper Cookie Preparation: Break up Ghost Chips Ahoy cookies into smaller pieces before adding them to the blender. This ensures even distribution and a better texture in each sip.
  3. Choose Your Protein Powder Wisely: Select a chocolate protein powder that complements the flavor of the Ghost Chips Ahoy cookies. Read reviews or try different brands to find the one that best suits your taste preferences.
  4. Experiment with Texture: Adjust the thickness of your shake by adding more or fewer oats. If you prefer a creamier texture, consider using Greek yogurt or a frozen banana.
  5. Sweetness Control: Taste the shake before adding additional sweeteners. The Ghost Chips Ahoy cookies contribute sweetness, so you may not need extra sugar. Adjust according to your preference.
  6. Get Creative with Garnishes: Elevate the visual appeal by garnishing with additional cookie pieces, a sprinkle of cinnamon, or even a Ghost Chips Ahoy cookie on the rim of the glass.
  7. Nut Butter Variations: While almond butter is recommended, feel free to experiment with other nut butters like peanut or cashew for a unique flavor twist.
  8. Boost Nutrition with Add-ins: Consider adding nutritious extras like chia seeds, flaxseeds, or a handful of spinach for additional vitamins and minerals without compromising the taste.
  9. Personalize Your Presentation: Tailor the serving style to your liking. Whether it’s a classic shake, a smoothie bowl, or even popsicles, adapt the recipe to suit your mood or occasion.
  10. Mindful Consumption: While the Ghost Chips Ahoy Protein Shake is a delicious treat, be mindful of portion sizes, especially if you’re watching your calorie or sugar intake. Enjoy it as part of a balanced diet.

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With our Ghost Chips Ahoy Protein Shake Recipe, you can enjoy the nostalgic taste of a classic cookie in a nutritious and protein-packed beverage. Whether you’re treating yourself after a workout or simply in the mood for a spooktacular treat, this recipe is a delicious way to embrace the ghostly spirit in every sip. Cheers to a hauntingly delightful experience!

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