Dutch Bros Annihilator Recipe

Dutch Bros Annihilator Recipe

Dutch Bros, the popular coffee chain originating from Oregon, has amassed a dedicated following for its unique and delicious coffee creations.

Among its many offerings, one drink stands out as a fan favorite – the Dutch Bros Annihilator. This indulgent beverage combines rich coffee with sweet flavors to create a delightful concoction that has coffee enthusiasts hooked.

If you’ve ever wondered about the secret behind this iconic drink, you’re in luck – we’re here to unveil the Dutch Bros Annihilator recipe so you can recreate it in the comfort of your own home.

How To Make Dutch Bros Annihilator?


  1. Coffee Concentrate:
    • Start with a strong coffee base. You can use your preferred method to make a concentrated coffee, such as a French press or espresso machine. The key is to have a robust and bold coffee flavor.
  2. Chocolate Milk:
    • Dutch Bros Annihilator gets its sweet and chocolaty kick from chocolate milk. Use a high-quality chocolate milk to enhance the flavor profile. You can choose a pre-made version or make your own by mixing cocoa powder or chocolate syrup with milk.
  3. Sweetened Condensed Milk:
    • To add creaminess and sweetness, the Annihilator includes sweetened condensed milk. This thick and sweet dairy product is a crucial element in replicating the Dutch Bros signature taste.
  4. Whipped Cream:
    • For the finishing touch, top your Annihilator with a generous dollop of whipped cream. This adds a light and airy texture to the drink, complementing the richness of the coffee and chocolate.
  5. Ice:
    • Since the Dutch Bros Annihilator is often served as an iced drink, you’ll need plenty of ice to cool down the beverage and create a refreshing experience.


  1. Brew the Coffee:
    • Make a strong coffee concentrate using your preferred method. This could involve using a higher coffee-to-water ratio or opting for an espresso shot. The goal is to have a potent coffee flavor as the base for your Annihilator.
  2. Prepare the Chocolate Milk:
    • In a separate container, mix chocolate milk. You can adjust the chocolate intensity to your liking by adding more or less chocolate syrup or cocoa powder. Ensure that the chocolate milk is well-mixed for a consistent flavor.
  3. Combine Coffee and Chocolate Milk:
    • In a glass or serving container, combine the brewed coffee concentrate and chocolate milk. Stir well to ensure a uniform blend of coffee and chocolate flavors.
  4. Add Sweetened Condensed Milk:
    • Pour in sweetened condensed milk to taste. This will add sweetness and creaminess to the Annihilator. Start with a few tablespoons and adjust according to your preference.
  5. Ice It Up:
    • Fill the glass with ice to chill the drink and give it a refreshing touch. The Annihilator is often served over ice to enhance its cool and invigorating appeal.
  6. Top with Whipped Cream:
    • Finish off your Dutch Bros Annihilator by generously topping it with whipped cream. This not only adds a delightful visual element but also contributes to the overall taste and texture of the drink.
  7. Optional Garnishes:
    • Feel free to get creative with optional garnishes such as chocolate shavings, a drizzle of caramel or chocolate syrup, or even a sprinkle of cinnamon.

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Benefits of Dutch Bros Annihilator:

  • Irresistible Flavor Fusion:
    • The Dutch Bros Annihilator captivates taste buds with its perfect fusion of strong coffee, rich chocolate milk, and sweetened condensed milk. This harmonious blend creates a flavor profile that is both bold and indulgent, offering a unique and unforgettable taste experience.
  • Energizing Pick-Me-Up:
    • Packed with a robust coffee concentrate, the Annihilator serves as a potent energy booster. Whether you need a morning kick-start or an afternoon pick-me-up, the combination of caffeine and decadent flavors provides a satisfying and revitalizing beverage.
  • Versatile Serving Options:
    • The Annihilator is a versatile drink that can be enjoyed in various ways. Served over ice, it becomes a refreshing iced coffee perfect for warm days. Alternatively, you can customize the recipe for a warm, comforting version during colder seasons, showcasing its adaptability to different preferences and occasions.
  • Creamy Indulgence Without Compromise:
    • The inclusion of sweetened condensed milk adds a luxurious creaminess to the Annihilator without sacrificing flavor. This sweet and velvety element elevates the overall drinking experience, making it a treat for those who appreciate a touch of indulgence in their coffee.
  • Visual and Textural Delight:
    • Beyond its exceptional taste, the Dutch Bros Annihilator is a visual and textural delight. Topped with a generous swirl of whipped cream, this coffee creation not only looks inviting but also adds a light and airy texture, enhancing the overall enjoyment of each sip. It’s a feast for the senses, combining aesthetics with a satisfying drinking experience.

Nutrition Facts of Dutch Bros Annihilator:

It’s important to note that the specific nutritional content of a Dutch Bros Annihilator may vary depending on factors such as the size of the drink and any additional customizations.

The following nutrition facts are approximate values based on a standard recipe and a medium-sized serving:

Dutch Bros Annihilator (Medium Size):

  • Calories: Approximately 350-400 kcal
  • Total Fat: 12-15g
    • Saturated Fat: 8-10g
    • Trans Fat: 0g
  • Cholesterol: 40-50mg
  • Sodium: 100-150mg
  • Total Carbohydrates: 50-60g
    • Dietary Fiber: 1-2g
    • Sugars: 45-50g
  • Protein: 10-12g


  1. Calories: The Annihilator is a calorie-dense drink, primarily due to the combination of chocolate milk and sweetened condensed milk. It provides a substantial amount of energy, making it a suitable choice for those looking for a satisfying and indulgent treat.
  2. Total Fat: The fat content is higher in the Annihilator, mainly contributed by the fats in the chocolate milk and sweetened condensed milk. The saturated fat content is also notable, adding to the rich and creamy texture of the drink.
  3. Cholesterol: The presence of milk products, particularly in the sweetened condensed milk and chocolate milk, contributes to the cholesterol content of the Annihilator.
  4. Sodium: The sodium content is relatively moderate, with the primary sources being the coffee concentrate and any added flavorings. It’s essential to consider sodium intake, particularly for individuals with dietary restrictions.
  5. Total Carbohydrates: The Annihilator is a carbohydrate-rich beverage, with the majority coming from sugars present in the chocolate milk and sweetened condensed milk. The dietary fiber content is relatively low.
  6. Protein: While not a significant source of protein, the Annihilator does provide a moderate amount. The protein content is derived from the coffee concentrate and any protein present in the milk components.

It’s important to be mindful of the nutritional content, especially if you are monitoring your calorie, sugar, or fat intake. Additionally, these values are approximations, and actual nutritional content may vary based on the specific ingredients and proportions used in the preparation.


Now that you have the Dutch Bros Annihilator recipe at your fingertips, you can enjoy this beloved coffee creation without having to make a trip to the coffee shop. Experiment with the proportions to tailor the drink to your taste preferences, and don’t be afraid to add your own unique twists.

Whether you’re sipping it on a warm summer day or using it as a pick-me-up on a chilly morning, the Dutch Bros Annihilator is sure to become a staple in your homemade coffee repertoire.

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