Best Desi Yakhni Recipe

Desi Yakhni is a delectable and aromatic dish that holds a special place in the culinary heritage of South Asia, particularly in regions like Pakistan, India, and Kashmir. With a history that traces back centuries, this dish embodies the rich cultural diversity and gastronomic excellence of the subcontinent.

Best Desi Yakhni Recipe

Origin and Evolution:

The origins of Desi Yakhni can be traced to the royal kitchens of the Mughal era, where complex yet balanced flavors were meticulously crafted to satisfy the discerning palates of emperors and nobles.

Over time, the dish found its way into the homes of common people, undergoing various regional adaptations and becoming an integral part of local cuisines.

Ingredients of Desi Yakhni

  • Cooking oil 2
  • Desi Chicken 300 g
  • Adrak (Ginger) crushed 1tbs
  • Lehsan (Garlic) crushed 1tbs
  • Pyaz (Onion) sliced 1 medium
  • Tez paat (Bay leaf) 1
  • Darchini (Cinnamon sticks) 3
  • Sabut kali mirch (Black peppercorns) 12-13
  • Laung (Cloves) 4-5
  • Sabut dhania (Coriander) 1 tsp
  • Zeera (Cumin seeds) 1 tsp
  • Saunf (Fennel seeds) ¼ tsp
  • Hari elaichi (Green cardamom) 2
  • Kali mirch (Black pepper) crushed 1 tsp
  • Namak (salt) ½ tbsp or as per taste
  • Fresh turmeric (kachi haldi) 1 tsp
  • Substitute: turmeric powder ½ tsp
  • Chicken cubes 2
  • Water 2 liter or as required
  • Egg boiled 1
  • Kali mirch (black pepper) crushed

How to make Desi Yakhni

In a pot, add cooking oil and heat it

Add desi chicken and mix well until it changes color

Add ginger, garlic, mix well and cook for a minute

Add onion, bay leaf, cinnamon sticks, black peppercorns, cloves, coriander seeds, cumin seeds, fennel seeds, green cardamoms, black pepper crushed, salt, fresh turmeric, chicken cubes, and mix well

Add water and mix well. Bring it to boil and remove scum then cover and cook on medium flame until chicken is tender and stock is reduced to half (approx 1.5 hours)

Now strain the stock with the help of strainer reserve chicken for serving and discard the left over

In a serving bowl add boiled chicken and prepared stock 

Garnish with boiled egg sprinkle black pepper crushed and serve hot!

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Calories of desi yakhni

Servings = 2

790 Calories

Per serving = 395 calories

Nutrition Facts of Desi Yakhni

NutrientAmount per Serving
Serving Size1 cup
Total Fat15g
– Saturated Fat5g
Total Carbohydrates10g
– Dietary Fiber2g
– Sugars4g
Vitamin D2% DV
Calcium6% DV
Iron15% DV
Potassium10% DV
Vitamin C4% DV
Vitamin A10% DV

Please note that these values can vary based on factors like the type of meat used, the amount of oil or ghee used in cooking, and the specific spices and ingredients added to the yakhni.

It’s always a good idea to refer to specific recipes and calculate the nutrition facts based on the exact ingredients you use.


As Desi Yakhni spread across various regions, it took on different regional characteristics and adaptations. For instance, in Kashmiri cuisine, you’ll find the iconic Kashmiri Yakhni that often uses yogurt alongside the distinctive Kashmiri red chili powder for a vibrant color and a touch of heat.

In Pakistani and North Indian variations, tomatoes might be introduced for a slightly tangy flavor profile.

Serving and Accompaniments:

Desi Yakhni is best enjoyed with a side of steamed basmati rice or naan, which help soak up the flavorful broth. Freshly chopped coriander leaves or mint leaves can be sprinkled on top just before serving to add a burst of freshness.

A cooling yogurt-based side dish, known as raita, is often served alongside to balance the richness of the yakhni.


Desi Yakhni is more than just a dish; it’s a testament to the rich culinary heritage of the Indian subcontinent. Its complex yet harmonious blend of spices, the tenderness of the slow-cooked meat, and the depth of flavors make it a truly special dish that exemplifies the artistry of South Asian cooking.

Whether you’re savoring it on a special occasion or indulging in its comforting flavors on a regular day, Desi Yakhni promises a culinary journey that’s steeped in tradition and flavor.

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